/* * $Id$ * Copyright 2003,2004 WorldTicket A/S * * @version $Revision$ $Date$ * @author Claus Br�ndby Reimer (CBR) / 2M business applications a|s */ System = new Object(); System.locale = "en_GB"; System.installationId = "lufttransport"; System.openWindow = function(url, width, height) { var win; win = open(url,"worldticket","width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ", scrollbars=yes") win.focus(); } // Define 'SMS' namespace to avoid collisions with other global objects SMS = { contextPath: '/sms-lufttransport/', locale: System.locale, config: { bookingWizard : { confirmPayLater: false } } }; // for compatibility with older versions INSTALLATION_ID = System.installationId;